Thursday, 26 December 2013

Remedial measures to prevent occurrence of athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a kind of fungal infection which affects skin of the feet. Tinea Pedis, commonly known as athlete’s foot, is a particular foot condition which is not only restricted to sportspersons but can affect anyone, irrespective of age. In fact, an interesting study says that around 70% of population might suffer from athlete's foot at some point in their lives. There are few simple measures following which it is possible to avoid this specific foot syndrome. However, before talking about remedies and preventions, it is important to know specific reasons and symptoms related to athlete’s foot.

Take a close look at your feet to notice these signs:-

Does the skin feels extremely dry, appears reddish and there is a constant irksome feeling like itching or burning sensation in your feet? If these symptoms are more apparent between toes then there is enough reason to worry. The sole of your feet or skin between toes being soft and sensitive, infection starts from these portions only. Sometimes the affected area appears wet and white on the surface. If the infected portion is not taken care of, then you might notice blisters, peeling or cracking of the skin. In worst cases, the infected portion starts bleeding.

Athlete’s foot infection spreads very fast from contaminated surface or object. The source can be your room floor on which you walk daily or clothes that you wear often. Though athlete’s foot can happen to anyone but elders or individuals with poor immunity system are most likely to catch the infection faster. Diabetic patients are at greater risk too.

Measures that can be adopted to prevent athlete’s foot:-

When it comes to washing, foot is one portion which often remains neglected. While most are very particular about washing hair or face daily, the same can’t be said about their feet! It is important to note that regular washing of your feet with mild soap and water followed by thorough drying is the best way to say “No” to athlete’s foot. Before trying out someone else’s shoes and slippers give it a thought. These might be carriers of the fungus that causes athlete’s foot.

Choose your shoes carefully. Opt for materials that allow your feet to “breathe”, like leather or canvas. Avoid ill fitting or too tight shoes which restrict air circulation. If your feet tend to catch moisture easily then cotton socks is a preferred option. Walking barefoot, especially on damp surfaces, should be strictly avoided. Applying antifungal powder also helps in keeping the foot free of moisture. Change your shoes from time to time.

How to treat athlete’s foot:-

If the infection strikes in spite of following precautionary measures then a proper treatment is highly advisable. You may need to take some antibiotics to get rid of the fungal infection. Application of antibiotic cream also helps in cleaning the affected area. Rather than popping up antibiotics on your own, do get in touch with an expert podiatrist. Further it is recommended to continue the treatment for some time, even if the infection appears to have healed.   

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Foot Care for the aging – Foot Problems – Home Remedies

Old age results in several foot conditions, some of which can turn severe if not treated in time. A study shows that approx. 87% of aged population suffers from at least one foot condition. Widening and flattening of feet is one such common problem which elders mostly experience. Fat padding on the sole of the foot starts wearing with age and the skin becomes drier. Painful blisters, corns or foot infections start raising their heads. Thus walking becomes discomforting. Serious accidents may also happen anytime if the person loses his balance when walking. Then foot problems seldom indicate several serious ailments like diabetes, arthritis or poor blood circulation. No wonder human foot is often termed as the “mirror of health”.

People usually have this idea that it is normal for the feet to hurt with age. This is surely a misconception. With proper foot care, it is possible to prevent or treat many foot conditions successfully, so that you can lead a normal and healthy life till old age. Before taking a step, it is important to know what is ailing your feet.

Ø  Look for early signs

If your feet often feel numb and cold, accompanied with burning or tingling sensation, then there is reason to worry about. Don’t ignore dry skin, redness, skin cracks or brittle nails. Discoloration is another serious indication that something is wrong with your feet.

Ø  Try some home remedies to keep your feet in healthy shape

Just because your feet is hurting, that doesn’t mean you stop walking or doing exercises. Rather stress on these aspects and make sure to do exercise which improves blood circulation of your feet. Since the skin of your feet has become sensitive it is not a good idea to go barefoot. Always use stocking of right size, preferably without seams.

Many have this tendency to cut corns or calluses on their own. This is a strict no-no! Doing it yourself with an unsterilized razor, pocket knife or sharp instrument can prove to be more harmful. It is not advisable to apply over-the-counter corn products.

Keep your feet clean by washing it with lukewarm water and mild soap. Then apply foot moisturizer. Such a routine done on daily basis surely helps prevent skin dryness.

Be very careful in selecting footwear. Rather than stressing on style, emphasize on the comfort factor and pick out shoes with a firm sole so that your foot gets adequate support. Opt for soft upper; thus your feet won’t hurt while walking.

Ø  Why do you need to consult a podiatrist?

An expert podiatrist can provide the right support to your aging feet. Being thoroughly trained about each aspect of foot problems he knows precisely what can be done to prevent sore feet or how to treat diabetic foot, ingrown toenails, calluses, corns and arthritic feet. He suggests therapeutic or surgical treatments, after assessing the patient’s condition. He also offers guidance related to right orthotic selection.

If you really want to keep your feet in mobile condition till old age then regular visits to the podiatrist are suggested at least monthly once, rather than doing so on emergency basis.