Bodybuilding is almost like
constructing a house which demands a well-designed and solid foundation. If you
are a bodybuilder, your foot is undoubtedly that foundation which supports the
entire symmetrical structure of your body. During the bodybuilding process if
your foot is injured or tendon is overstretched, that will automatically affect
other body parts.
Weightlifters usually face a
few common foot problems which in turn can cause hip, knee or back pain. If you
have been experiencing a forefoot shooting pain, or find it difficult to squat
or perform leg press, these are then telltale signs that you need to consult a
podiatrist immediately. Discussed below are four common foot problems and
solutions which every bodybuilder needs to be aware of.
1. Tightness of Achilles tendon
It is important to confirm
whether the problem is due to inflexibility of gastrocnemius or calf muscle. Stretch
that affected muscle for at least 30 seconds. If you are not sure which muscle
is actually causing the problem then stretch both. In case the problem
persists, you would do well to consult a licensed foot specialist for proper
2. Plantar fasciitis
If you experience weakness,
swollenness or irritation of the plantar fasciitis (i.e. the flat ligament band
which connects the heel bone to the toes), that means the balance of the arch
of your foot is disturbed. Use of ice pack can relieve the pain, if you apply
it every day for at least 10-15 minutes. Do some stretching exercises of the
gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. In case of severe pain, you can try
anti-inflammatory drugs, and if the pain still persists, then do seek
professional help.
3. Flat feet/High arches
If you are into bodybuilding
or any other strenuous sports activities, then you need to be careful of the
flat feet and high arches. Those with high-arched feet are most likely to
suffer from hammer toes, whereas flat feet can give rise to knee or hip pain. A gait-analysis should be carried out to
determine your specific problem. Based on the result, the podiatrist suggests
the right type of sports shoe or orthotic; it can offer necessary support to
your strained foot arch or heel. If your foot tends to pronate often, then it
becomes even more necessary to invest in an appropriate training shoe.
4. Toe cramps
Generally athletes don’t
take toe cramps that seriously. In fact, a study says that around 95% populace
worldwide experience muscle cramps at some point. Extreme physical activities
and low calcium, magnesium or potassium levels are the prime reasons behind
frequent muscle cramps. Dehydration can
also cause toe cramps. If nutrition deficiency is the cause, it can be
corrected by revising the diet chart. In case you notice that the toe cramp
lasts for more than a few seconds and frequently, then you need to consult a
Always maintain correct foot
position whenever you are squatting or leg-pressing. Not only does it ensure
better results from the exercise, but also gives complete protection to your
feet and knee joints. And most importantly, don’t ignore your foot problems.
Seek podiatric help in time, if you don’t want an abrupt end to your
weightlifting career.