Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Effects of Diabetic Neuropathy on the Foot

Understanding diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a common side effect for diabetics. Diabetics are prone to a number of nerve disorders. If left untreated or ignored, diabetes could lead to nerve damage on any part of the body. The common symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are numbness, tingling etc. This can occur in the extremities and they can also occur in any of the organs. Some diabetics who have nerve damage may not even show any symptoms.

Causes of diabetic neuropathy

Almost sixty to seventy percent of diabetics suffer from some kind of diabetic neuropathy. The risk of neuropathy rises as a diabetic gets older. Diabetics have to be very careful with their diet, exercise and medication. People who are not following any kind of treatment to control diabetes are more prone to diabetic neuropathy.

Inflammation of the nerves due to autoimmunity raises the risk of neuropathy. Injuries that occur to the extremities like carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures etc can lead to diabetic neuropathy in that area. Some people are plain unlucky and may have inherited this gene from their ancestors. Obesity and substance abuse can also be a cause in developing this disease.

Symptoms of diabetic neuropathy

The type of neuropathy a person has dictates which part of the body is affected. The severity of the neuropathy also differs from person to person. Extremities are usually the most common part of the body to get affected. If a person develops diabetic neuropathy of the feet, it means that the nerve endings in the feet are damaged.

Dealing with diabetic neuropathy of the foot

When a diabetic develops neuropathy of the foot it can be extremely dangerous. There are quite a few signs that one should be aware of when you are a diabetic. Burning or shooting pain, tingling, deformities etc are just some of the symptoms to watch out for. One of the symptoms of neuropathy is numbness. So, a person suffering from diabetic neuropathy of the foot will be unable to feel pain. If there is an injury to the foot, it may go unnoticed for a while, leading to other complications.

Individuals with diabetic neuropathy of the feet should make sure that their feet are protected at all times. A regular check up with a podiatrist is recommended. Even something as simple as an ingrown toe nail or a corn could give rise to more severe problems.

Treating diabetic neuropathy of the foot

Prevention is better than a cure! If you are a diabetic and suffer from neuropathy of the feet, ensure that you wear comfortable footwear always. Shoe bites could go unnoticed due to numbness. Wear socks to prevent chaffing of the feet. Pamper your feet with a warm soak once a week. Moisturizing your feet prevents dry skin. Dry skin can cause chaffing, leading to wounds that can get infected. 

It is a good idea to air your feet every few hours to prevent bacteria from attacking your feet. Closed shoes can make your feet sweat. The humidity caused by wearing closed footwear is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Powdering your feet with anti fungal powder in the morning and evening will also help prevent bacteria from attacking your feet. By taking these simple preventive measures, you are safeguarding your feet from infections.

If you notice any kind of wound, tear or discolorations of the foot see a podiatrist immediately. You may need a course of ant biotic treatment to treat the problem and to prevent further complications. There are many foot products available in the market to help treat diabetic neuropathy of the foot.

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