Thursday, 9 January 2014

Helpful information and effective remedies regarding everyday foot problems

Human body undergoes different phases of transformation with age, disease, disability or even pregnancy. These affect each body organ and that includes the foot too. With growing irregularities and changes, every individual encounters foot problems, either rarely or frequently. While some foot conditions are hereditary, many are caused due to hormonal changes, inadequate exercises or insufficient calcium intake. According to a study conducted by the US Public Health Service, even racial factors can determine bone strength, e.g. Blacks experience comparatively lesser foot problems than whites since they have higher bone mass.

While the hereditary factor can’t be controlled, it is possible to monitor lifestyle and life-stage factors to a great extent, thus ensuring a healthy foot throughout life. There are certain common foot conditions which people experience now and then; few of these are discussed below:-

  • Calluses – result from accumulation of dead skin cells. An area of the foot is hardened and thickened causing discomfort or even pain while walking. Calluses usually happen from wearing high-heeled or ill-fitted shoes. So the best remedy is to shift to comfortable footwear with adequate padding or custom-made insole to protect and soothe the affected portion.
  • Bunion – is one foot problem which falls into the serious category. One alarming aspect about Bunions is that it is hereditary and often affects both feet. A kind of arthritis or bone de-generation, this foot condition starts as a bony bump on the outside of big toe. Switching to orthotics and doing regular exercises helps in alleviating bunion related pain to great extent.
  • Hammertoes or twisted toes – is a kind of deformity whereby your toes bend or curl downward thus resembling bird’s claws. The condition can cause extreme discomfiture while walking or flexing your foot. Apart from being hereditary, this disease may result from calluses, bunions, corns or due to severe neurological trauma. Ill fitting shoes might also be the culprit. To get relief from hammertoes, shift to shoes with high and broad toe box.
  • Morton’s Neuroma – is another common foot problem which can cause extreme pain, swelling or inflammation of a nerve. Numbness, cramping and tingling sensation in the forefoot are few other symptoms of this foot condition. Usually the portion between third and fourth feet gets affected by Neuroma. The best way to relieve pain and treat Neuroma is by selecting footwear which comes with high and wide toe box. Another effective treatment is to have orthotic designed with metatarsal pad.
  • Ingrown toenails – can be a painful condition which arises due to inaccurate nail trimming. Sometimes it can be hereditary too. While the ingrown toenail cures by itself as the nail grows sometimes the pain and discomfort becomes unbearable and the area may get infected in extreme cases. Apart from trying out some home remedies, it is a wise idea to approach a podiatrist to get rid of the infected nail through a nominal surgical procedure.

If foot problems keep recurring after regular intervals, then don’t ignore.  Get in touch with a foot care specialist for professional and precise guidance. 

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