Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Five Simple Ways for You to Recover from Metatarsalgia

Foot is an integral body part that often acts as the shock absorber, since it has to endure the cumulative weight of your body. The foot condition can turn graver when your routine includes long hours of running or standing at a stretch. As your entire body weight transfers to your metatarsals i.e. the five long bones that connect the phalanges of your toes to the tarsal bones, this can result in inflammation, pain and irritation. Metatarsal bones being the key parts, which provide proper foot movement by working with ligaments, connective tissues, and tendons, their malfunctioning can pose real problems.

Metatarsalgia also known as stone bruise is a foot condition which basically arises due to uneven distribution of body weight across the feet.  The condition can be detected easily as you start feeling a stabbing, burning, or aching pain just beneath the toes. The symptoms usually take more than a month to build up, which means one can easily prevent and recover from Metatarsalgia, with a little bit awareness. Indicated below are five simple ways following which you can get relief from Metatarsalgia.

Pick the right footwear

If your foot is flat or neutral shaped, then look for shoes that come with wide toe boxes. A dome-shaped metatarsal pad would also help in protecting your metatarsal bones from throbbing pain.

Consider shock-absorbing insoles and extra cushioning

Orthotics or fitted insoles are often recommended by podiatrists as these can distribute foot pressure evenly while improving the function. Shock absorbing insoles can offer great relief while walking, as these help shield the ball of your foot. Doctors recommend arch supports, in case fitted insoles turn out to be ineffective.

Watch Your Weight

This is the most crucial precaution, which you need to take strictly to recover from Metatarsalgia. Check your food habits and change lifestyle as these are the key factors which mostly cause weight gain.  Do some hard workout to keep your weight under control and also to prevent stone bruises.

Rest Your Feet

Your feet need a break if showing signs of Metatarsalgia. Bring down your mileage and try to run on softer surfaces; even better if you can switch to low-impact activities at least temporarily. Applying ice pack during the first 24 hours can provide instant relief. If the pain is too acute, you may start physician-prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

Consult a doctor or podiatrist

This is the final piece of advice which you shouldn’t ignore, if the symptoms of Metatarsalgia do not subside within a week or so, in spite of adopting all precautionary measures. Your metatarsal pad or orthotic selection might be wrong, or you may need to get rid of the callus. Only a podiatrist can suggest the right kind of footwear matching your foot type, stride and exercise pattern. He carries out a detailed assessment of the foot condition and suggests remedies accordingly.

Don’t take stone bruise lightly as it can lead to painful swelling of joints, stiffness and numbness. If you often have this feeling like “walking on pebbles”, then consult the podiatrist to confirm whether your metatarsal bones are in perfect shape or not.

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